Our Team

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Meet Our Staff Team

Head Teacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Gibbard


Assistant Head Teacher / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs K Holder


SENCO / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs C Mann



Senior Administration Officer

Mrs A Proctor


Site Manager

Mr T Shaw


Early Years - Apple Tree Class (Foundation Stage)

Miss R Smith - EYFS teacher 

Mrs C Hall - TA EYFS 

Mrs F Sayad - Year R TA Play Leader - Tree Tops mornings only


Year 1  - Pear Tree Class

Miss L Phllips - EYFS & KS1 Lead / Year 1 Class Teacher

Miss J Mildren - Year 1 TA 

Miss C Hammond - Year 1 TA 


Year 2  - Peach Tree Class

Mrs T Crayford - Year 2 Teacher

Mrs S Bellis - Year 2 TA

Miss M McVicker - Year 2 1:1 TA 


Year 3 - Orange Tree Class

Miss T Mitchard- Year 3 Teacher 

Mrs L Harrison - Year 3 TA 


Year 4 - Lime Tree Class

Miss O Woodhouse - Year 4 Teacher 

Mrs C Sharp - Year 4 1:1 TA and Play Leader

 Miss H Foulds - Year 4 1:1 TA 


Year 5 - Cherry Tree Class

Mrs E Griffin - Year 5 Teacher 

Miss J Wilkinson - Year 5 TA 

Miss E Hammond  - Year 5 1:1 TA 

Miss E Coleman - Year 5 1:1 TA 


Year 6 - Olive Tree Class

Mrs K Holder - Year 6 Teacher 

Mrs S Thompson - Year 6 HLTA  & ELSA 

Miss L Simmons - Year 6 1:1 TA 

Mr P Evans - Year 6 1:1 TA 


Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs M Benstead


Wrap Around Care Play Leaders - Tree Tops

Mrs B Clarke  Play Leader 

Mrs V Vicenti - Play Leader 

Mrs K Avila - Play Leader 

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Office hours Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm


  • The Buffer Purton Swindon SN5 4GT