Admissions Information

We have spaces in Reception and Year 5. Contact the Office for more information.

Please contact the school office if you require a paper copy of anything on this website

View our school video here.


For up-to-date information about School Admissions, please use the following link to the Wiltshire County Council Website: Wiltshire County Council Admission Guidance


Starting school is a very important time for you, your child and the school. We all need to work together to make the transition smooth and rewarding. In the term prior to their entry, pupils are invited into school for visits. This will help your child become familiar with the surroundings and routines of school. During this period, there will be meetings for parents, to discuss our partnership with you and talk about any concerns you might have. Pupils will be admitted to Ridgeway Farm CE Academy in the September of the academic year in which they are five. The Early Years Curriculum is grounded in active learning. Through practical activities, purposeful play and talk, pupils develop an understanding of the world and the basic concepts they will need for their later learning. Parents can play a major role in fostering good attitudes to learning, developing language skills and promoting good behaviour. The Foundation Stage develops children’s personal, social and emotional well-being, promotes positive attitudes and dispositions towards their learning; provides opportunities to develop social skills as well as developing language and communication, reading and writing, maths, knowledge and understanding of the world; and physical and creative development. At the start of each new school year, class teachers run workshops about the curriculum and how you can help your child at home. We do hope that you will be able to attend these.


Administration of admission arrangements to Ridgeway Farm CE Academy is dealt with centrally by Wiltshire County Council. A booklet ‘Starting School’, setting out the admissions procedures and criteria for each school, together with an application form is available from the County Council Admissions Team. Completed forms, or online admissions must be returned to the School Admission Team. For parents and carers of children seeking to join the school in other years, please contact the In-year admissions  also handled by the County Council Admissions Team via the website or 01225 713010. Ridgeway Farm CE Academy welcomes all children regardless of special needs or disability. Pupils with additional needs may have extra visits before starting school and there will be close liaison with parents to ensure that the correct arrangements are in place.


Every effort is made to make a place available for your child in our school. However, schools have a limit on the number of children they can take. In the case of Ridgeway Farm CE Academy this is 30 in each year group. This figure is set by the Local Authority (LA) and agreed with Governors and Academy Trust. If the number of children wanting a place is below the set figure, your child will be offered a place. There may, however, come a point when there are too many children of that year group for them all to be given a place. If a place is not available on application you have the right to appeal to Wiltshire County Council Education Authority. Appeals are heard by an independent panel. A Guide to Admission Appeals can be obtained from the Admissions Team via the County Council website (above).


Sometimes children join the school later on in their school life. We make every effort to ensure they are welcomed, looked after, and monitored so that they quickly make friends and can find their way around the school. Teachers give children time to settle in before making an assessment of their academic abilities. This assessment, together with records from the previous school, will enable your child to have the best start in our school. Parents and carers are asked to contact the school if their child has difficulty settling.


At the end of primary school, children transfer to a number of different local secondary school. The large majority of children go on to ‘Bradon Forest School’ a mixed comprehensive school in Purton. We have developed good links with all secondary feeders and communicate effectively to ensure a successful handover. Year 6 pupils make visits to their secondary school during their final year as part of an induction programme. This is seen as a very positive process ensuring a smooth transfer.

Download our Admissions Policies

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Office hours Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm

Telephone: 01793 677471


  • The Buffer Purton Swindon SN5 4GT