Olive Tree (Year 6)

For information on our Open Day Tours please see the Parent Information tab or click here.

View our school video here.

Welcome to Olive Tree Class


Class Teacher: Mrs Holder

Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Thompson, Miss Simmons and Mr Evans




Our Curriculum

In Olive Tree Class this year we will learn all about Mexico and understand why fair trade is fair. In Term 2, we travel back in time to Mexico where we will explore the Maya Civilisation. The children will explore how the Maya people lived and compare this with how people in Britain were living at the same time. In the Spring Term, we will answer the big question, "How has the power of the monarchy changed over time?", learning about the Tudor dynasty and the different monarchs throughout this era. Linking to our inspirational theme of 'Children', in Term 4, the children will be learning all about the rainforests and understanding how climate change is effecting our rainforests. In the Summer Terms, we will be exploring our two Science-focussed topics. First, we will be learning all about evolution and adaptation and the famous findings of Charles Darwin. We will then explore our final big question of the year, "How are we knitted together?" where we will learn all about the circulatory system and how water and nutrients are transported around our body. 

Our class curriculum overview can be found here.

Each term we will send you our knowledge organisers and curriculum letter so you can keep up with the learning in the classroom.

We have an exciting year of trips and experiences this year: our Fair Trade bake sale; Bikeability; a visit to the Pantomime; our residential trip to PGL; a day-trip to the Living Rainforest and our Legoland Leavers' trip. Lots of things to be excited for! 

Home Learning

It is our expectation that home learning is completed daily.

  • Reading – please ensure you are reading each evening and logging this in the reading diary.
  • Spellings – new spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested the Friday of that same week. You should practice your spellings on Spelling Shed.
  • Multiplication tables - practise your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars. Your teacher will login to check your progress.

Families please help us by ensuring that all children bring in their reading books everyday as they will be read with in school time by an adult. Please make sure spelling books are returned on a Friday to give out the new ones for the following week. Your continued support with your child's learning at home is appreciated and will have such a positive impact on your child's continued progress in their learning journey.

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Office hours Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm


  • The Buffer Purton Swindon SN5 4GT

Telephone Number