Orange Tree (Year 3)

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View our school video here.

Welcome to Orange Tree Class


Class Teacher: Miss Mitchard

Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Harrison




Our Curriculum

In Orange Tree Class, we will answer the following six big questions over the year linked to our inspirational themes:

1. Community: Would you rather live in Swindon or Purton? (geography)

2. Diversity: Why are we called the 3rd rock from the sun? (science)

3. Creation: How are volcanoes formed? (geography)

4. Leadership: What did the Romans ever do for me? (history)

5. Children: Are you really, what you eat? (science)

6. Explorers: Why is where we live called England? (history)

To help us answer these questions we will take part in visits and experiences such as local walks around the area, a trip to the Roman musuem in Cirencester and visiting the first Anglo Saxon city, Malmesbury. Our inspirational theme titles help us to link our learning with our learning from previous year groups and will support us as we move through Key Stage 2. 

Our class curriculum overview can be found here.

Each term we will send you our knowledge organisers and parent letter so you can keep up with the learning in the classroom.


Home Learning

It is our expectation that home learning is completed daily.

  • Reading – please ensure you are reading each evening and logging this in the reading diary.
  • Spellings – new spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested the Friday of that same week. You should practice your spellings on Spelling Shed.
  • Multiplication tables - practice your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars. Your teacher will login to check your progress.

Families please help us by ensuring that all children bring in their reading books everyday as they will be read with in school time by an adult. Please make sure spelling books are returned on a Friday to give out the new ones for the following week. Your continued support with your child's learning at home is appreciated and will have such a positive impact on your child's continued progress in their learning journey.


Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Office hours Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm


  • The Buffer Purton Swindon SN5 4GT