Pear Tree (Year 1)

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View our school video here.

Welcome to Pear Tree Class


Class Teacher: Miss Phillips

Class Teaching Assistants: Miss Mildren and Miss Hammond




Our Curriculum

In Pear Tree Class, across the year, we will learn about a variety of topics based on Science, Geography and History. 

Through our first term, we explore the big question - What is the UK? We travel around the countries in an afternoon having a taster of their traditions and learning about each place. During Term 2, we will then focus on the Great Fire of London and look to answer the question - Why did the Great Fire of London spread so far and so fast? Within this term, we will re-create Pudding Lane in our DT room and bake our own bread. We also invite families in after this term to make a model of London using junk and set fire to it to see how quickly fires can spread. In Spring Term 1, we will focus our attention on the topic of animals - As we grow, do we change? And in Spring Term 2, our History based topic focuses on - Did my parents play with the same toys as me? During this term, we create our own museum of toys and ask families to bring in items they used to play with. Term 5 sees us explore a Science based unit where we learn about plants - What do plants need to grow? And in our final term of Year 1 we explore the big question - Why do people visit the seaside for holidays? Within this term, we go to Weston-Super-Mare and learn first hand why the seaside is so popular for holidays! 

Our class curriculum overview can be found here.

Each term we will send you our knowledge organisers and parent letter so you can keep up with the learning in the classroom.


Home Learning

It is our expectation that home learning is completed daily.

  • Reading - please ensure you are reading each evening and logging this in the reading diary.
  • Phonics - please revise the sounds using your sound mats and Floppy Phonics logins. You can also use your termly book mark to support your reading.
  • Numbots - please use your login (within reading records) to access support with your number bonds.

Parents please help us by ensuring that all children bring in their reading books everyday as they will be read with in school time by an adult. Your continued support with your child's learning at home is appreciated and will have such a positive impact on your child's continued progress in their learning journey.

Phonics Screening Information Video 2025

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Office hours Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm


  • The Buffer Purton Swindon SN5 4GT