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Science Intent

At Ridgeway Farm, we aim to encourage children to be scientifically curious, observing and asking questions about the world around them. We want our children to be creative, independent and show perseverance when planning and carrying out scientific enquiries. We aim for children to communicate their scientific findings confidently to others, using the correct scientific vocabulary. Ultimately, we hope that children will be enthusiastic and motivated scientists, who will continue their love of learning science beyond Ridgeway Farm.

  • Encourage the children to explore and ask questions about the world around them.
  • Enable our children to develop scientific skills and knowledge
  • Encourage children to develop technical science vocabulary
  • Develop the children’s ‘working scientifically’ skills as they move through school.
  • Provide opportunities for the children to apply their skills across the curriculum, including collecting, presenting and analysing data.
  • Prepare our children to understand the challenges and developments we face in our society today and take responsibility to be global citizens

Science Implementation

Our curriculum will encompass the National Curriculum requirements to ensure all aspects, knowledge and skills of Science are being taught across all year groups. All staff will use assessment for learning to ensure all lessons are relevant and will help to plan for next steps.

We will develop the use and understanding of correct scientific and technical vocabulary. The teaching of Science will be through regular investigative work, with a strong emphasis on exploration and discovery.

We will support all children as appropriate so that everyone can access the curriculum as well as provide additional challenge to children where appropriate to develop their skills and knowledge beyond the expected curriculum requirements. Where repetition of skills or knowledge is required, these will be clearly identified. All staff will have high standards and expectations of Science and positive attitude towards Science. Knowledge Organisers are created with key concepts and knowledge and key vocabulary.

Science Impact

Children will enjoy Science and scientific experiences and will be enthusiastic investigators.

hildren will be encouraged to research independently to further their own enjoyment and fascination about the topic or subject (eg through homework activities or independent research).

Evidence of work will show secure knowledge and skill coverage and development, with cross-curriculum links and supported work where necessary.

Standards in Science will be high.

Subject Leaders and SLT will monitor the subject by looking at work, displays and by talking with children.

The children experience what it is like to be a Scientist and have a passion for Science.

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Office hours Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm


  • The Buffer Purton Swindon SN5 4GT